A Last Resort

Lucas stared at her, stunned silent.

She stared right back. She wasn't at all surprised by his reaction, but she still refused to be the one who broke eye contact.

"Celia, my love." he finally said, sounding faint. "What the fuck are you really saying here?"

"I'm saying that Tobin's no good for the kingdom. He's incapable of being even a mediocre ruler because he can't control his whims. Today it's a new palace he wants, and tomorrow - what then? Insulting our allies? Starting a war just for the fun of it? His rule will be nothing but a lurch from avoidable disaster to avoidable disaster."

"What you're saying though, when you speak of changing out the king, you mean…?"

"Deposing Tobin, yes." Celia verbalised what she knew he couldn't. "Or at least forcing him to abdicate. He'd never go willingly, though. So I think deposing is the only viable way."

Lucas looked genuinely disturbed. "Your mere words are treasonous. Do you realise that?"