She had not yet entered the room when a small figure suddenly dashed out, leaping up and snatching the phone from her hand.
"Mommy!" Xiaocong shouted into the phone.
Hearing her child's voice, Lin Xinlan's eyes immediately reddened.
It really was Mommy's voice!
"Mommy, where are you?!" Xiaocong asked urgently, his big eyes instantly brimming with tears.
"I..." A finger extended and suddenly cut off the call!
Lin Xinlan looked up in shock to see Lu Xiaofan standing before her.
"What are you doing?" Lu Xiaofan asked coldly, a look of inquiry and suspicion in his eyes.
Lin Xinlan was stunned for two seconds before hanging up the phone, feeling deep regret and frustration, but she could not show any of it.
"I was calling my son."
Lu Xiaofan crossed his arms and smiled faintly, "If you have a chance to make calls, why not call Rong Shaoze?"
Lin Xinlan did not say a word.
Rong Shaoze knew she was here, whether she called him or not didn't matter.