Chapter 5: Can You Afford to Pay a Million? 2

Mo Yan froze for two seconds before hurriedly answering, "I... I am best at singing." She was not only a hostess here to accompany drinking clients; she also sang with them.

Gu Yixuan nodded in understanding and said indifferently, "Let's have a dance from you for everyone, and if it's good, I won't make you pay back the money. But if it's not good, you'll have to drink this entire bottle, and still owe the million."

He was referring to a bottle of strong vodka that was at least ten years old.

Mo Yan's face showed her difficulty, "Young Master Gu, how about I sing a song for everyone instead?" She knew full well she was good at singing, but he was insisting she dance. Wasn't this deliberate difficulty?

The man's expression darkened a shade upon her counteroffer, clearly displeased. Mo Yan panicked and with a cry in her voice said, "Young Master Gu, I can't dance."

"No dance, fine, then pay a million." The man's voice was devoid of any warmth, causing everyone to shiver.

"Young Master Gu..." Mo Yan was on the verge of tears in her desperation.

Why was she so unlucky today, to have upset him?

Everyone in W City knew that Gu Yixuan was famously cold-blooded and cruel. Offend him slightly, and he'd retaliate tenfold.

People in W City were afraid to provoke him, and she, a mere commoner, had somehow managed to cross paths with him like this.

Just when Mo Yan didn't know what to do, a crisp voice rang out, "My sister can't dance, can I dance in her place?"

Before she could even react, Mo Ran's slender figure had positioned itself in front of her.


Mo Ran looked directly at Gu Yixuan, her expression calm. She recognized this man—she had seen him on television and in magazines, the current president of the Gu Group.

"You're Gu Yixuan, right? I heard everything clearly just now. My sister soiling your clothes was her fault. But she has already apologized to you, so please don't make things difficult for her. Is it really true that if I dance a piece, you'll let this go? I study dance, so can I dance for her?"

"Ranran, don't talk to Young Master Gu like that, apologize quickly!" Mo Yan tugged at her arm, exasperated. Did she want to make things even more chaotic?

"Sis, it's okay," Mo Ran patted the back of her hand gently.

"Mr. Gu, what do you think of my proposal?" Mo Ran was persistent.

Gu Yixuan's gaze had been fixed on her face since she entered; fifteen years had passed, and she looked very different from before.


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