Chapter 30 I Don't Want Your Money1

Gu Yixuan must have said something to Yan Ruyu because they stopped pestering her and Mo Yan and left them behind as they walked away.

After a while, Gu Yixuan arrived in his car to pick them up.

Today, he wore a bewitching red shirt with a pure white suit over it. At first glance, one might think they had seen the most beautiful man in the world.

He seemed to really like wearing white suits, and white suited him very well.

"How did you end up like this?" Seeing the blood on Mo Ran's face, he reached out to cradle her face with his hand, frowning as he asked.

"It's just a minor wound, it's nothing serious." She uncomfortably pulled his hand away and helped Mo Yan up.

"My sister has more serious injuries, I need to take her to the hospital."

Gu Yixuan glanced at Mo Yan, nodded, and turned to open the car door.