Chapter 37 Definitely Must Enter the Finals 2

"Were you with Gu Yixuan last night?" Mo Yan was a bundle of contradictions, jealous that Mo Ran had found a desirable partner, yet eager to pry into their affairs.

Mo Ran's face turned slightly unnatural, "Yeah."

"You need to get along well with Gu Yixuan. For people like us, it's not easy to find men like them. You're lucky to have found one, so don't let him go and don't allow other women to take him while he's vulnerable."

"Sis, those men are not all that great," Mo Ran muttered softly.

Mo Yan's eyes widened in frustration, her expression one of anger at Mo Ran's apparent naïveté. "You're the only fool in this world. So many women wish to get involved with them but can't even get close. If you're his woman, it must be because you did something great in your past life. Let me tell you, don't you dare do anything stupid, or I won't forgive you!"