Chapter 108: The Principal's Enthusiasm

His obstinacy had reached a level that infuriated him.

Outside, countless women yearned to climb into his bed, and many sought his company without any opportunity. He gave her a chance, albeit a threatening one, yet she still declined, truly an oddity to the extreme!

Standing up, he glanced at her coldly, and said indifferently, "Is that so? I will make you come back to me on your own."

Who was he, Gu Yixuan? A sneeze from him, and the whole W City would shake thrice. There was no way he couldn't handle her or that there was anything he couldn't have.

Her opportunity to resist had always been because he had chosen not to use cruel and despicable methods on her.

Mo Ran lifted her head to meet his icy gaze and inexplicably shuddered. She had a premonition that he would not let her off easily, that he would make sure she suffered greatly…

Clenching her teeth tightly, Mo Ran told herself not to be afraid, to be brave, to be strong.