Chapter 45 Come Over to Join Me 5

The ringtone of the cell phone sounded over and over again like a demonic cacophony, relentless in its persistence.

Shen Ruo threw it under the covers, so she couldn't hear it anymore.

Just as she was drifting back to sleep, a rapid knocking sounded from outside. It gave her quite a start— who was knocking at the door?

"Who is it?" she asked softly as she put on a coat and came out.

"Open up!" The person outside seemed very impatient, their voice full of irritation.

It was Gu Kai!

This scourge had actually found his way here—how did he know where she lived?

Shen Ruo directly suspected that even the American intelligence services didn't have the reach he did.

Reluctantly, she opened the door to find the man leaning casually against the door frame, his tie loosened, wafting a faint scent of alcohol.

He wore a somber expression, looking as though he could devour her on the spot.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?"