Chapter 108 Turmoil at the Party 9

As long as you manage the bare minimum of respect, that should be sufficient, going too far might backfire.

Just as Shen Ruo was lost in thought, her body suddenly stiffened, and her eyes widened.

Because, underneath the table, a rough hand was touching her thigh, stroking back and forth...

"Miss Shen, what's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Gu Kai, seated beside her, noticed her abnormality and asked with concern.

Shen Ruo slowly turned her head, met his smiling eyes, and wished she could smash the wine glass in her hand onto his head.

He had the audacity to ask!

He knew perfectly well what he was doing!

"It's nothing." Shen Ruo forced a laugh, her response insincere.

Watching Shen Ruo grit her teeth, the smile in Gu Kai's eyes grew deeper. The hand under the table began to stroke up the inner side of her thigh...

All of Shen Ruo's attention was focused on his hand, worried he would do something even more outrageous.