Chapter 3 Laozi Won't Sell

Zhang Tianyao's life was very regular nowadays. Most of the children came for lessons on weekends or in the evening, and during the day she would compose music, practice her instrument, and tend to her flowers and plants. Sometimes she would go up the mountain to pick some fruit and tea leaves; sometimes she also took on performances to earn some extra money. Her income wasn't high but not low either, enough for her to live comfortably.

There were also college classmates who, when mentioning her, would say, "Xu Xunsheng, she has courage, living the life that everyone desires."

Others would say, "Xu Xunsheng was so good in her university major, it's just that she isn't very ambitious."

Xu Xunsheng just laughed all of these off.

Her parents didn't care either, after paying the down payment for her apartment, they let her live a free and easy life. Sometimes her father would even call to ask for her flower gardening experience. The father and daughter could discuss it on the phone for a long time, until her mother hurried them from the other end, "The food has gotten cold!" while also snatching the phone to remind Xu Xunsheng to live steadfastly, work seriously, and not to neglect professional development. At such times, Xu Xunsheng would lean on the rocking chair in her studio, reaching out her hand to touch the sunlight while slowly making promises one by one.

After renting out the training room, Chaomu Band did not come to practice immediately, and Xu Xunsheng didn't pay it much mind. The following weekend, one of her guqin students was going to participate in the school's cultural performance, and the parents hoped she would be there to guide and encourage. Xu Xunsheng naturally agreed wholeheartedly, without mentioning any charge.

The elementary school's performance was on a large plaza by the river. When Xu Xunsheng arrived, she saw it was full of students and parents. A stage had been set up in front, and a group of children was singing and dancing to some rather explosive pop music. Xu Xunsheng stood at the back, watched for a while, and chuckled, finding the children full of energy and especially adorable.

Her student's performance was scheduled towards the end. As soon as they saw Xu Xunsheng had arrived, the child was especially happy, and the parents satisfied. Xu Xunsheng squatted down to talk with the child for a while, offered encouragement, and pointed out mistakes they often made. The child agreed to everything and, when it was time to go on stage, was all puffed up with pride.

The child also performed quite well, in the end winning a second prize. The parent left joyfully with the child, and Xu Xunsheng, with nothing left to do, watched the show for a while. As the performance drew to a close, all the parents and children retreated like the tide, leaving behind the empty stage and the plaza with some trash scattered around. Some staff members started to clear away equipment and chairs.

Xu Xunsheng looked up, seeing that the riverside sunlight was just right. She squinted for a while and then turned to head home, picking up a bag from the ground and picking up some trash as she went, just out of convenience.

She had walked a ways when, as she bent down to pick up two drink bottles, some staff members walked past, dragging a row of plastic chairs. Xu Xunsheng immediately stepped back to give them space but heard a leisurely, clear voice say, "Are you always this free?"

That voice, once heard, would never be forgotten by anyone in their lifetime.

Xu Xunsheng raised her head and saw Cen Ye wearing only a T-shirt with casual pants below, all in black. His hair, parted in the middle, lay casually as usual, his eyes lazy and bright, as if hiding the winter sun. As he spoke, a puff of mist appeared beside his face.

Xu Xunsheng glanced at his exposed arms, a bit surprised, "Aren't you cold?"

Cen Ye, looking at her dressed like a dumpling but still a fresh and refined dumpling, couldn't help but laugh. Leaning on the row of plastic chairs, he said, "Working here, too busy to feel cold."

Xu Xunsheng was not quite used to his way of speaking, but said nothing, turned her head and indeed saw several people who looked like his band members, moving things at the front.

"What are you doing?" Cen Ye stared at the trash bag in her hand.

Xu Xunsheng also looked down at it and said, "Well, I'm just passing the time."

Cen Ye nodded, "That actually saves us some trouble; we still need to clean up later."

Xu Xunsheng asked calmly, "You work during the day, just doing this?"

Cen Ye reached out his long arm and pulled another chair over, stacking it, and casually replied, "Not all the time, we do whatever odd jobs come up."

"Oh," said Xu Xunsheng, finding nothing more to discuss with him, and stepped aside to let him go first. Cen Ye, pushing a pile of chairs tall like a small mountain, did not look at her, "I'm off."

Xu Xunsheng, "Goodbye."

But before her words had fallen, someone ran over—it was Zhang Tianyao. He, just like Cen Ye, was only in a T-shirt, his long hair today tied at the back of his head, revealing clean and handsome eyebrows and eyes.