Chapter 19 Hello Keyboard (Part 1)

Xu Xunsheng smiled shallowly and didn't read too much into anything—it was just an idea. She turned around to pour tea for others. Zhang Tianyao was still the same, watching her from a distance and occasionally speaking a few words to her. However, Xu Xunsheng recently felt that the way he looked at her was deep as if there was another meaning hidden within, yet it was difficult to articulate. Of course, Xu Xunsheng wouldn't actively probe. If he came forward, she would reject him. This kid wasn't stupid; he knew giving up was just a matter of time, ending his little game of affection.

Xu Xunsheng also noticed that Zhang Hai hadn't shown up today. On the day of the competition, his performance, coupled with the judges' comments, honestly might have made it hard for a seasoned musician like him to save face. Additionally, Xu Xunsheng felt that Zhang Hai did not have a generous and open-minded personality. Would he continue to be the band's weak link, or become a hidden instability?