Chapter 66 Tomorrow of Next Year (Part 2)

The next afternoon, they carried their instruments and equipment to the music festival site. They waited by the entrance for a moment, until a staff member came to meet them. Perhaps because there were so many bands and so much to do, the staff member was polite but hurried, gave them a quick rundown, then led them straight to the venue because there was still sound check and preparation work to be done.

They passed by the stage that had been the most bustling yesterday. Now, it was empty, with no band performing and no audience gathered. Cen Ye suddenly asked, "Will there be a performance here tonight?"

The staff member smiled and said, "This is the biggest and most luxurious stage, of course—Shenkong Fenlie Band will come to headline tonight."

All the boys went "Oh" in unison. Shenkong Fenlie was one of the most famous bands in the country, true A-listers, frequently topping the charts on major music websites, with many fans.

"Can we come to watch tonight?" Huizi asked.