Chapter 82: Overpowering the Girl Group (Part 1)

If becoming famous was like a sudden dream, then for Chaomu Band, that dream officially began when their first preliminary contest program was broadcasted across the entire web.

Xu Xunsheng didn't use the guqin this time when performing "City Beast." First, she wanted to play it safe, and secondly, the group had discussed and decided to save it. Additionally, she still hadn't shown her face. Yet even so, just her Weibo follower count soared from tens of thousands to a hundred thousand. The same was true for the others.

Cen Ye's fanbase went directly from over a hundred thousand to more than four hundred thousand in just a few days, still climbing without any signs of slowing down. His early fans, who had started following him during the divisional selection, felt a sense of "I knew I had a good eye" or "He's finally going to be discovered by the masses, boo-hoo... Though I'm a bit sad, I still have to support my idol..."