Chapter 99 Money Money Money (Part 1)

Xu Xunsheng always had a favorable impression of Daxiong. He felt like a friend reunited after a long separation, and also like someone who didn't speak much but with whom there was mutual admiration. So when she received his call, she felt somewhat emotional.

No sooner had she agreed to meet Daxiong than she wanted to go downstairs, when that person who likes to boss everyone around sent another urging text: "Have you arrived yet? Do you want me to come get you?"

Xu Xunsheng found it a bit funny. It's just a corridor away, what is there to pick up. She stepped into the elevator and replied to him: "I have something to deal with, I'll come over later."

Right then, Cen Ye's call chased after hers, his tone a bit impatient: "What's up with you?"

Xu Xunsheng answered: "Daxiong asked me to meet him downstairs. They are leaving early tomorrow morning."

Cen Ye: "...Damn."

That unexpectedly made Xu Xunsheng laugh.

His voice deepened: "Are you really going?"