"Mr. Shang, there's still a chance! I can definitely surpass Shi Yaoguang, believe in me, please give me another opportunity, okay?"
Shang Minghao glanced at Shi Yiqing who was desperately clutching at his trouser leg, his eyes revealing a hint of mockery, "Give you an opportunity?"
"Yes, yes, yes~!" Shi Yiqing nodded frantically.
She really needed this chance.
As long as Shang Minghao was willing to believe in her once more, she would do anything he asked.
"Mr. Shang, think about it, to bestow me with the talent for painting, we have exerted so much effort, do you truly not care?"
She sniffled, pleading, "Please, just give me one last chance, I will definitely make it!"
Shang Minghao pondered for a moment but eventually nodded.
This was an opportunity for Shi Yiqing, but wasn't it also an opportunity for himself?
If he could really seize this opportunity, he wouldn't need to put in much more effort.