Chapter 8 To Be Happy and Joyful in This Lifetime

Lu Yun's greatest reliance was money and an exceedingly good reputation for charity.

She had built her business to be so big that it claimed a place among the ranks of the world's wealthiest women. At the same time, her charitable reputation was renowned nationwide. She invested sixty percent of her company's annual profits into the charity foundation she had established. The main beneficiaries were women, children, and the disabled.

She was far from stingy when it came to the development and investment in her hometown. She did all this with only one demand for the village: those Su Family members, her so-called "close relatives," were not to benefit from her in any way, shape, or form.

She laid her disgust for the Su Family bare for all to see, showing her immense hatred for them without reservation at any time or place.

Even though the majority of people on the internet felt she was not wrong when her past was revealed, there were always a few who played the role of the "saintly father" or "saintly mother," who emerged to make their presence known, believing she should forgive her "grandmother," who was now old and frail, deeming that as weakness to be excused.

As for this, Lu Yun scoffed in contempt and then utterly ignored it.

But some took her indifference as a sign of guilt and became even more troublesome. She did not take it lying down: after finding out who these people were in reality, she retaliated in kind, behind the scenes.

They say money is the courage of a person. Lu Yun would never use her wealth to bully others without cause; instead, she used it to do good deeds and help those in need. But it did not mean she would tolerate someone defecating on her head without making a sound.

In her hometown, aside from the people from the Su Family, almost everyone else had benefited from her. Knowing what she would not tolerate, most were afraid to get close to the Su Family members, fearing her wrath and losing her favors.

She remained unmarried, preparing for any eventuality by drafting a will early on.

For the relatives of Uncle Lu, she spared no effort in helping those who were capable by offering jobs or funding for startups; for those who were not, she gave financial support. She ensured they could afford villa-style houses in the village. Whenever someone got married, she sent cars, gold, and trips abroad... She was determined to make Chen Juxiang and the Su Family green with envy and insane with frustration, yet unable to do anything about her.

They came to her, confessing their regrets. She set a trap by leading them into internal strife. They accused one another, exposed each other's scars, and fought until they were bruised and bloodied, yet they gained nothing. They became a complete and utter joke.

She made a clear distinction between gratitude and grudges. She reciprocated the kindness she owed, and she did not neglect to avenge the wrongs against her. Yet, she was still not happy. Her heart always felt empty.


"What's wrong with the little girl?"

Lu Aiguo was at a loss under Lu Yun's gaze, not knowing what to do with his hands and feet. He didn't even know what expression to wear in the presence of this little person.

This was Yuanyuan's beloved treasure. Even if he was reluctant to admit it, he had to acknowledge that her place in Yuanyuan's heart was above his. If he offended this little ancestor, he definitely wouldn't have it easy.

The more he thought about it, the less he could cheer up, his forced smile becoming even more strained. His weird expression made his scarred face look frightening. If it were the truly six-year-old Lu Yun, she might have been scared to tears!

Fortunately, she was now the Lu Yun with a "changed core". She had long grown accustomed to the kindness hidden beneath the seemingly fierce face of Uncle Lu. She had also learned to discern his true feelings from his subtle expressions.

Lu Yun rolled her eyes.

Uncle Lu was no good at pretending. If she showed even the slightest discontent, wouldn't her mother give him the cold shoulder later when they were alone? And he might even lose his spot in bed.

Imagining the pitiful sight of Uncle Lu kneeling and scrubbing the clothes, Lu Yun couldn't help but grin mischievously.

Hmm, it seemed she needed to give him some tips when the chance arose.

Lu Yun considered carefully for a moment. She wouldn't dare say she had complete certainty about Uncle Lu's temper, but she was quite sure about it to a great extent, say eighty to ninety percent. After all, seventeen years of being together was not for nothing.

In those early days, she lived in fear that Uncle Lu would find her intolerable and send her back to the Su family. She observed and tried to gauge his moods with extreme caution. It was only later that Uncle Lu recognized her fear and reassured her directly, telling her he wouldn't send her back and to put her mind at ease. But still, she couldn't feel completely secure for a long time...

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

"Eh? What's this about, I, I didn't provoke you, did I!"

Lu Aiguo saw that the little girl's eyes seemed to be on the verge of spilling tears, and was instantly startled. They say a child's face changes as fast as the weather in March, but this was too swift, wasn't it? One moment she was staring at him blankly, the next she was smiling, and now she was on the brink of tears — what was she trying to convey?

He regretted messing with this little girl now. If she wanted to stare, why didn't he let her stare to her heart's content? Why did he have to open his mouth and say anything extra? With a wish to cry but no tears to shed, he first sneaked a glance at Xia Yuan, then quickly lowered his head and whispered comfortingly in Lu Yun's ear, "Don't really cry, when I go back, I'll bring you some candy."


Lu Yun pouted and whispered in cooperation, "Unless you listen to me from now on, or else I really will cry, you know."

"That can't be done," Lu Aiguo flatly refused.

"Why not?" Lu Yun bared her teeth, a bit surprised by his rejection.

"I have to listen to your mother, I've already promised her," Lu Aiguo said matter-of-factly.

"Then you listen to her first, and then to me," determined Lu Yun, deciding to verbally clarify the hierarchy at home for the future.

"Fine. But you have to speak well of me in front of your mom."

Lu Aiguo agreed readily this time, even adding his own condition. Anyway, he didn't dare to expect that this little girl would listen to him in the future; if she didn't tattletale on him, he would already be grateful enough to burn incense and pray.

"Fine. Then it's settled. Dad, you can't trick me," Lu Yun immediately beamed with joy.

"You, what did you call me?" Lu Aiguo's face was filled with shock, nearly dropping her. His voice also grew many times louder, drawing everyone's attention in an instant.

Fortunately, Lu Yun reacted quickly, grabbing onto his clothes tightly, which prevented her from rolling directly into the tractor's trailer. She looked distressed and was greatly shaken. It really scared the living daylights out of her. Where had her Uncle Lu gone, that man who could remain calm even if Mount Tai were to fall on him?

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."

Lu Aiguo felt his clothes being gripped deathly tight by the little one in his arms and realized he had almost made an unforgivable mistake. Instantly, he was soaked in a cold sweat.

Lu Yun was also drenched in a cold sweat. If she had really fallen down, regardless of whether it was serious or not, her mother would inevitably blame this new dad that she had only just started to look forward to. Such an incident would inevitably cause a rift in their marital relationship.

She certainly didn't want to see that happen.

In this lifetime, she wanted her dad and mom to be happy and joyful together.