Chapter 24 Tell

Shitou didn't say anything more, sat down, took a sip of the soup, then bit into a bun. When he realized he was holding a meat bun, the astonishment in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Why is there meat?"

"Of course, meat buns have meat." Otherwise, I couldn't eat two in one go.

Lu Yun struggled to get down from her father, who was just too annoying, always taking delight in her misfortune. When had her mother's tongue become so "sharp"?

"Aiguo, tell Shitou about that matter. I'll take Xiaoyun to the room to organize the things we just brought back," said Xia Yuan as she picked up Lu Yun and headed for the room. She had realized that Shitou wouldn't feel at ease with her around.

"Brother Aiguo, what's the matter that sister-in-law mentioned?"

Only when Xia Yuan was out of sight did Shitou ask with a bit of nervousness,