Chapter 36 Deciding to Go to Haicheng

"After coming back, what Shitou mentioned... what he said, I actually felt tempted, you don't know how much better it is than farming—during the slow season, we used to gather stuff from the mountains to sell and made a little capital. Making small trades, the money comes in quicker and it's more comfortable,"

Lu Aiguo shared Shitou's words in detail with Xia Yuan and added his own thoughts.

"Now that we have the wild ginseng as capital, we can totally go to Haicheng and open a small shop, specializing in buying all kinds of grains and game. I believe our future won't be worse than anyone else's."

"But that ginseng belongs to Shitou. What if we lose everything?"

When it came to living in Haicheng, a look of anticipation clearly appeared on Xia Yuan's face. She was more than willing to leave this village, which did not hold beautiful memories for her, and return to her hometown. Previously, she couldn't bear to leave Lu Yun behind, and later, Lu Aiguo was added to that list.