Chapter 47: Better to Strive than to be Angry

"What are you rushing for? Don't you know the kind of people who lack decency, conscience, and love to stir up trouble as if they wish the world were in chaos? If they fart, do you have to hurry up to catch the smell and savor it?"

The second aunt's face showed disappointment as if she was dealing with someone failing to meet her expectations, and her tone grew slightly harsher.

"Even if you've heard something, you should now act as if you haven't. Shut your doors and focus on making your family's life prosperous and thriving. That's the biggest slap in the face to them. Let them be green with envy, full of nothing but jealousy and admiration—that's the only sensible thing to do."

The grandmother spoke such reasonable words; indeed, wisdom often comes from ordinary people.

Lu Yun looked at her second aunt with tears in her eyes, feeling as though she was shedding any minor grudge she had held against her from a past life.