Chapter 53: The Hungry Ghost Reincarnates

The journey that should have taken three or four hours somehow took Wang Lizhen and her son Chen Qiuyu more than five hours to complete, but they managed to arrive just before the wedding banquet began.

Fortunately, it seemed that their diarrhea had healed without the need for medication. However, their appearance left much to be desired. They were ashen-faced like ghosts, with disheveled hair, and their new clothes were not only wrinkled but also smeared with grass, leaves, twigs, and sawdust. Brushing these off left streaks of grey and green. And if that weren't enough, both mother and son were also emitting a strong stench of feces.

"Why are you two so late? Hurry up and come with the gift money. The banquet is about to begin."

Wang Lizhen's mother was sitting at an outdoor table eagerly waiting, so she spotted her daughter's disheveled arrival immediately. Frowning, she went up to meet them, "Did you not clean yourselves properly after going to the toilet? You both reek."