Chapter 68 Going into the Mountains (Part Four)

"Apart from these wild yams, there isn't anything else nearby. The kiwifruit and apple orchards are some distance from here." Shitou didn't know why Lu Yun suddenly asked this, but he still answered truthfully.


Does that mean there's no value in coming back to this area? It might be worth it to gather all the yams today then.

Lu Yun nodded.

The tone of Lu Yun's voice was too casual, and while Shitou didn't sense anything amiss, his heart couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong somehow. So he kept silent for a moment, carefully considering the brief exchange they had, but he still couldn't pinpoint anything off.

Before he could figure it out, Lu Yun slid off his back and headed towards the patch of wild yam.

Lu Aiguo, Xia Yuan, and Shitou didn't rest much this time; they saw that besides a large area of yams, there was also a good number of other wild vegetables and mushrooms on this hillside.