Chapter 71 Milk Powder Scandal (Part 3)

Lu Aimei kept blinking, but she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"I've tolerated everything before. Have you ever seen me quarrel over anything? Every time I brought something from my parents' home, didn't I hand it all over to your mother? It was all up to her to decide, and I neither questioned nor asked. Even when she secretly gave some to your sister-in-law to take to her parent's home or to sell for money, I didn't ask. But this time, I made it very clear that the formula was for Dabao and Xiaobao's nourishment and that no one else could touch it."

"To see the children crying from hunger, your father, your mother, your brother, your sister-in-law could pretend not to see or hear. Yet, they turn around and feel sorry for your two older nephews, thinking of taking food out of the mouths of our young children to feed their own sons and grandsons."