Chapter 79 Misunderstanding (Part 2)

For Lu Aiguo, the Xie family members were all extremely familiar with him because Lu Aiguo would occasionally visit Xie family village, never arriving empty-handed. There was not a single person in Xie Jiang's household who didn't like him.

Moreover, whenever Lu Aiguo brought tasty treats for his little nephew Xie Jifu, he would also bring some for Xie Manfu, albeit not as much as for Xie Jifu. However, Wei Shumei was still full of gratitude whenever she mentioned him.

She was not like the muddle-headed sisters-in-law in Lu Aimei's home. Their children were not related to Lu Aiguo at all. It was enough that Lu Aiguo would share treats with her own nephews, and every time he also gave some to her children; that was already a huge favor for which she should be grateful. Why should she complain about unfairness in what was given?