Chapter 88 Dividing the Family Agreement (Part 8)

Tian Xiaoju, upon hearing this, sprang up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Yet before she could even speak, Xie Changgen stood up with red eyes and growled at her in a low voice, "Mom."

Instantly deflated like a pierced ball, Tian Xiaoju sat down and fell completely silent.

The main portions of the fields and the house had already been clearly allocated—it was time to focus on another major issue: the grain.

Setting aside the grain stored at home for the moment, the discussion moved to the crops still in the fields. It was agreed that, before the harvest was brought in, all farm work would continue together, the grain would be collected collectively, and then distributed according to the shares that had just been agreed upon.

The agreed upon shares were such that Xie's fourth son and Tian Xiaoju would each count as one share, the eldest son and his wife as one share, the second son and his wife as one share, and Xie Jiabao would count as an additional share on his own.