Chapter 91 Return Laden with Riches


On the second day, as Xie Changgen and his father were preparing to tidy up the house lent to them by the village, Xie Jiang arrived with several people to help.

After they had been gone for a while, Lu Aijiao also came over with cured meat and glass noodles, offering to help Lu Aimei cook.

Many hands make light work, and they finished cleaning the house and moving in just one day.

The next day, Xie Changgen took the opportunity to go up the mountain alone, and when he returned, he secretly handed Lu Aimei a black wooden box that wasn't very large. The box had visible traces of mud on the outside, and inside, locked and slightly smaller, was a Zitan Wood Box. In the space between the box and the Zitan Wood Box, it was stuffed full of Yuan Big-Head coins.