Chapter 110: The Swift Horse and the Discerning Eye

There were no customers in the pharmacy.

Behind the counter stood a man in his forties or fifties, who was currently resting with his eyes closed, supporting himself on the countertop. Lu Aiguo, along with Shitou and Lu Yun, walked in, deliberately making noise, only to find that he didn't even twitch an eyelid, maintaining his meditative stance.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem."

Lu Aiguo couldn't help but cough loudly several times, staring at the man, who surprisingly still didn't move an inch. Lu Aiguo's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lu Yun's eyes rolled slyly as she discreetly took out a piece of paper, rolled it into a cylinder, lit it, and then blew it out. She then gestured for Shitou to lift her up—first, she held the smoldering, scorched piece of paper under the man's nose, then leaned close to his ear and shouted in a changing pitch, "Fire... Fire...!"

"Fire? How is there a fire? Such thick smoke."