Chapter 107: Snobbish

"So it's my auntie. Yes, we got here yesterday. We had these things shipped by train and just picked them up this morning. Would you like to come in and sit down, auntie?"

When Lu Aiguo heard it was the landlord, he quickly put on a smiling face and politely gestured for her to come inside.

"Don't call me 'auntie,' we don't use that term in the city. My surname is Tao; everyone calls me Sister Tao." The woman waved her hand dismissively, looking at them with disdain.

"You're from the countryside, aren't you? The city is not like the countryside. You must pay more attention to keeping things clean and tidy, and not make a mess. Also, you shouldn't bring people home to stay overnight, and it's best to minimize visitors. Another thing, don't leave the lights on too late in the evening, as electricity is expensive. Of course, you shouldn't talk loudly or make noises that could disturb the neighbors next door. If you can't follow these rules, I can't keep you here..."