Chapter 128 Elixir

"Dad, Mom, Shitou, can we just stay in the new house tonight? Do we have to go back there? I really don't want to," Lu Yun pleaded unwillingly with a chopstick between her teeth after dinner.

"Actually... I don't want to go there either," Xia Yuan chimed in, her expression one of deep misery which made everyone laugh.

"Then let's not go," Lu Aiguo said without much concern.

"Yay! Dad, you are so cool." Lu Yun cheered.

"Flatterer, you call that cool? This face is all disfigured, and only your mom doesn't mind," Lu Aiguo said with annoyance as he lightly tapped her head with his chopsticks.

"Waaa, if I become stupid, it will be your fault," Lu Yun pretended to cry.

"I didn't even hit you hard," Lu Aiguo said, feeling particularly wronged as even his wife glared at him fiercely.

"Hehe." Lu Yun giggled.

"Still laughing? I was hinting for your dad to hit harder," Xia Yuan said as she turned to glare at her daughter.