Chapter 140 Buy a Car

Everyone's train arrived in Haicheng at two-thirty in the afternoon. It took some time to settle in at Jingtou Village, so by the time they got to the house, it was already four-thirty in the afternoon. After touring the house, they began to eat and drink around five o'clock, and by eight, each one of them was still reluctant to leave.

In the end, it was Lu Aiguo who said it was late, so he and Shitou escorted everyone back to Jingtou Village.

At nine o'clock, when the two men walked through their front door, they saw Xia Yuan and Lu Yun still waiting in the living room. Lu Aiguo couldn't help but laugh and sighed, "Finally sent them off. In a couple of days, once they've learned to ride a bike and know the way, we'll have them bike back and forth themselves. The rear of the bike can carry four people just right."

"They were satisfied with the rooms there, weren't they?"