Chapter 165: The Mechanism

"There must be a secret chamber underground," all three pointed to the spot Shitou had just indicated.

Lu Aiguo's eyes lit up instantly, and he hurriedly extended his spiritual power downward. After peering for a long while, his face fell with disappointment, "It's pitch black; I can't see anything."

"Let's open the entrance to the secret passage for ventilation and then we'll eat. Whether or not there's a vent below, it hasn't been opened for years, so the air down there mustn't be good."

Upon hearing that Lu Aiguo also could not see what was below, Xia Yuan felt her slight frustration instantly cured, a touch of happiness spreading across her face.

Her expression was so obvious that Lu Yun and Shitou couldn't help but turn their heads and snicker. Lu Aiguo rolled his eyes, "You're this happy just because I can't see below?"