Chapter 193: Dazzled?

Capital City, Wangfujing Department Store.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you, don't scare me?" Seeing Zhang Min gripping her hand tightly, her face pale, eyes staring straight ahead, her whole body trembling, Ding Luoluo turned pale with fright as well.

She struggled to contain her panic, grabbing Zhang Min's hand in return and looking around for a place to sit.

She feared that her grandma might have suddenly gotten sick.

She regretted it now; she should have asked Jin's wife to accompany them. In case something happened, she, a pregnant woman, might not be able to cope. If something happened to her grandma, she would never forgive herself.

"Grandma, are you all right?"

Just as Ding Luoluo decided to ask a department store clerk for help and began to move Zhang Min, Zhang Min suddenly broke free from her grasp, tried to run forward but her body went limp. If it hadn't been for Ding Luoluo's quick reaction to support her, Zhang Min would have almost collapsed on the ground.