Chapter 212: Informing (Part 2)

Lu Aiguo quickly drove the car to a secluded area as directed. Even though there were no people around, given the gravity of the situation, he still erected a spiritual barrier for safety.

"Mom and Dad, we didn't explain the medicinal bath to Jinsheng too clearly, so he only knows that soaking in it strengthens and invigorates the body."

They all had this bit of cunning, even though Lu Jinsheng had been more mature than the average child since he was young, he was still not an adult.

But he possessed Psychic Power Talent, and the younger one started using the medicinal baths and training in spiritual power, the better. It would have been a waste not to let him use the medicinal baths or train to keep the secret. After all, he was the biological child of Lu Aiguo and Xia Yuan, and naturally, all four of them did not want him to miss the best opportunity.