Chapter 248: A Silent Bottle of Water

Capital City Grand Hotel.

General Manager's office.

"Look here, Crybaby, don't you think you're being a bit too underhanded? I booked a reservation at the Imperial Pavilion a whole week early, following all your rules to the letter."

"I've given you plenty of face already. Now all my friends know I was going to treat them there, and you just go ahead and cancel on me without so much as a warning? Do you think Wei Zhenyang has the kind of face that just invites people to walk all over him, one that everybody can come and trample on?"

Wei Zhenyang burst into He Juncai's office at the Capital City Grand Hotel, slammed the table without a word, and then the more he talked, the angrier he got. He looked dangerously at the man in front of him, dressed neatly and looking like a goody-two-shoes "childhood friend".