Chapter 245 Coma


News of Lu Yun falling into an inexplicable slumber soon reached her second uncle and his wife.

With heavy hearts and no mind for other matters, they all crowded into Lu Yun's room, which clearly wasn't appropriate.

Thus, Shitou and Xia Yuan stayed to watch over her in her room, while the others moved to the living room, sitting in worry, each one looking more helpless and distressed than the last.

At 6:45 AM, Lu Jinsheng emerged from his room on time, surprised to find everyone gathered in the living room, looking so concerned.

Lu Yun's aunt felt that having one more person worried couldn't help, so she forced a smile, glossed over the situation for him, and after he had breakfast, sent him off to school as usual.

None of the others had any appetite for breakfast.

By nine o'clock in the morning, Pei Qingyuan and Zhang Min arrived with all kinds of gifts and clothes and jewelry specially purchased for Lu Yun, only to find her condition unchanged.