Chapter 269 Rotten Peach Blossoms

Lin Meizhu's family wasn't made up of vegetarians. They came knocking on the door with a vengeance.

After a bout of chaos, no one knew who had pushed and accidentally injured Tian Xiaoju, causing her to hit her back and become paralyzed.

After such a big disaster, Lin Meizhu's family shrank away, and Lin Meizhu herself stopped pursuing Xie Changgen, who also didn't dare to make any more fuss. As a result, he even went to persuade Tian Xiaoju. With no one to stand up for her, she had no choice but to accept her bad luck.

Afterward, Lin Meizhu could still bluff Tian Xiaoju by taking care of her for a few days. But how could there be a filial son at the bedside of a chronic illness, let alone between this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law pair with "deep-seated enmity"?