Chapter 271 Panic

"I can't tell you the reason for now, nor do I wish to deceive you. Perhaps one day you will come to understand."

Lu Yun said apologetically to the two before passing a paper bag to Feng Sijia.

"This contains a year's supply for three people. Actually, as long as one persists in taking the medicine daily for over a year, the throat is unlikely to suffer from hoarseness or dryness again."

"Thank you, Lu Yun." Feng Sijia received the bag with both hands, once again expressing her sincere gratitude.

"You're welcome." Lu Yun actually felt quite regretful. She had only started considering making close female friends toward the end of her entire student life, and yet...

"Um, Lu Yun, we can consider ourselves friends as well as classmates, right?" Feng Sijia looked hopefully at Lu Yun.