Chapter 248 Reception

After Dashuan's wife left, Li Hongjun entered the room and discussed the matter with Yunfang, asking for her to make a decision.

Shen Yunfang, with an expressionless face, patted her son, admitting to herself that she also felt very conflicted. Setting other things aside, Uncle Shen had treated her well, and she was aware of and grateful for that. However, Shen Yunxiu had almost harmed her son, which complicated her feelings toward the family.

"Uncle Shen is Uncle Shen, Shen Yunxiu is Shen Yunxiu; the two should not be confused. Uncle Shen has taken good care of me for many years, and I shouldn't forget his kindness because of what Shen Yunxiu did," Shen Yunfang finally decided. "You should still go and invite Uncle Shen over."