Before we knew it, mid-January 1984 had arrived.

Although the farm presented a bleak landscape with bare fields and hills, in reality, every employee was busily at work. Personnel from the sales department had been running around for half a month because the conditions Shen Yunfang set were somewhat harsh; many organizations disagreed with paying a 30% deposit upfront, hence cooperation had to be abandoned.

Some sales staff couldn't understand why the boss had to set such harsh conditions; after all, the contract was signed, and payment at the end would be the same.

Shen Yunfang glanced at the employees who had minor complaints, knowing that her requirements had made their jobs more difficult and had also affected their commissions. However, she was the boss, and they had to obey her.

"If you think you can accept those IOUs as a year-end bonus, I don't have a problem with it," Shen Yunfang said indifferently.