Chapter 21 I Want Her to Serve Me (21)

As soon as the door opened, a cold jet of water hit her square in the face and body, the glasses fortunately shielding her eyes, but other places were not so lucky.

Ignoring the water on her body, Gan Yuan dashed into the washroom. Through the water droplets on her glasses, she could see the shower switch malfunctioning, spurting water like a fountain.

"Damn it!"

She cursed softly, turned, and rushed to the sink to turn off the water valve. Just as she was turning around, she saw a tall figure in front of her.

Taken by surprise, she bumped right into him.

A familiar scent invaded her nostrils, and she instinctively stretched out her arms to brace against his body, attempting to dodge backward. But just as she raised her arms, they were caught by two warm, strong hands.

The next second, her back pressed against the cold, damp bathroom wall.

Her hands were grabbed and held above her head, and Gan Yuan instinctively bent her right knee to kick back, but she soon put her foot back down and softened the fierceness in her eyes to reveal the panicked expression of an ordinary, startled woman.

"Mr. Huangfu, what... what are you doing?"

If it was just about the contract, then that meant he didn't know anything yet. How could she reveal herself?

Using his body to pin her against the wall, he lifted his right hand and yanked off the black-rimmed glasses from her face.

Her hair was already drenched, with strands sticking to her pale, full forehead. Her eyes, normally hidden behind wide-rimmed glasses, were now exposed to him without any cover.

Her eyes carried a hint of panic, and their shiny pupils reflected his silhouette.

Making eye contact with him made Gan Yuan feel guilty, and she immediately looked away, ready to lower her face. She had to be extra careful to avoid slipping up around this astute man.

As she lowered her head, his hand reached out to her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze.

"What's the matter, can't look at me?"

Gan Yuan struggled with a stern face, feigning the anger and confusion that seemed appropriate for the situation.

"Mr. Huangfu, please show some respect. If you keep this up, I'm going to call for help!"

The man tightened his grip on her chin, his handsome face moving closer to hers.

In the air, the water continued to spray, gradually soaking his hair and clothes.

Their faces were inches apart, and she could clearly see a pearl-like water droplet hanging from his gold-brown lashes.

The water trickled down his short hair, over the straight bridge of his nose, and onto her cheek.

The droplet was cold, yet his breath was scaldingly hot.

A layer of goosebumps arose on her skin, blood rushing to her cheeks, turning them red, as Gan Yuan's breathing tightened and her heartbeat uncontrollably quickened.

She struggled forcibly, "Let go of me, release me..."

His arms were like iron clamps, impossible to break free from.

Meeting her gaze at close range, Huangfu Jue's blue eyes stared deeply into her pupils.

"Was it you that night six years ago?"

His tone was inquisitive, which meant he was not yet certain.

Gan Yuan's heart relaxed a bit, "I don't understand what you're talking about, Mr. Huangfu has mistaken me for someone else."

The fingers on her chin tightened even more, forcing her face up until her lips grazed his chin.

Staring into her eyes, his tone laced with a hint of mockery.

"Then what are you nervous about?"



Good morning.

A new day begins, let's work hard~!~