Throughout the journey, Gan Yuan had been extremely compliant. When told to get on the boat, she got on; when told to go downstairs, she went without a fuss, quiet and meek like a puppet.
However, as several people sat at the dinner table for nearly twenty minutes, Gan Yuan hadn't so much as touched the cutlery from start to finish.
The servant approached and placed the silverware beside Gan Yuan's hand, but she remained motionless in her chair.
Moses slammed his cup down onto another.
"I told you to eat, didn't you hear me? Or..." his pupils constricted, "do you want me to start right now?!"
Lifting her hand, Gan Yuan took the knife and fork from the servant and slowly cut into the steak on her plate, bringing it to her mouth.
One piece, two pieces, three pieces...
After finishing the steak, she continued with the side dish.
One bite, two bites, three bites...
After the side dish, she went on to consume the sauce on the plate.