Chapter 599: Two Stripes (1)

Gan Yuan glanced sideways, watching the man beside her.

Under the moonlight, the man's profile was impeccably perfect, and his dark eyes were filled with determination and tenacity.

"Is this matter... really that important to you?"

The Moses she remembered was not one who desired power too much, so why had he come to such a decision this time? A relentless curiosity pressed down on Gan Yuan's heart.

Or could it be that people truly change?

Moses withdrew his gaze from the crescent moon, glanced at her quickly with a turn of his head, and then lifted his face again to look into the distance.

"More than anything else."

Gan Yuan nodded.

"I will do everything I can to help you accomplish it."

She didn't understand the reason behind his words, but since it was such an important matter to him, she would certainly do everything she could, even if it meant... repaying all the favors she owed him.

Moses's lips curled up, his tone soft with tenderness.