Chapter 412 The Feeling of Being Cared About, So Good and Blissful

In the past, when the old man was still alive, every meal was crowded with people. Since the patriarch passed away, the miscellaneous crowd moved out, and the large house became vacant.

It's probably the reason why monkeys scatter when the tree falls.

This meal was also eaten under oppressive silence.

Mi Shen sat to the right of Li Jinwei, next to Li Fengchang on his left, moving forward next to Shen Meizhi. Li Sheng sat at the head of the table, and in succession down the other side were Li Fengyu, Pi Xiuya, and Li Jinshan. Tan Lin, intimidated and jumpy, was thoughtfully given a stool to sit on at the corner of Li Sheng's table by the servants.

Tan Lin gave Li Sheng a nervous look, her eyes full of fear and trepidation.

"It's okay. Sit," Li Sheng said, pulling her hand with a gentle voice.