Chapter 3 Young Master Qiao, please put on your clothes quickly.

Wen Meimei felt a chill on her chest, instinctively picking up a white shirt that lay beside her.

In the meantime, Jiang Shanyu and Wen Lili walked over together, as if by tacit agreement.

Four eyes were focused on Wen Meimei's tender and blushing face, and no one seemed to care about who the "wild man" was.

Wen Lili said gleefully, "Wen Meimei, have you no shame? You're set to marry Shanyu next month, yet you're doing such disgraceful things!"

"Meimei, you shameless wretch, get up this instant!" Jiang Shanyu fumed, his teeth chattering, as he reached out to grab someone.

Qiao Chengxun's face was dark, his proud eyes quickly veiled with a layer of chill, "Who gave you the right to burst into my room?" His voice was cold as ice, angry but unyielding.

Listening to Qiao Chengxun's restrained growl, Wen Meimei's thoughts gradually calmed, and she lay still, waiting for the drama to unfold.

This pressure, she wasn't in a rush to retaliate, preferring to first see how Qiao Chengxun would react.

"Oh my God..." Finally, someone with sharp eyes recognized the identity of the "wild man", "What am I seeing, isn't that Qiao Chengxun?"

"Ahhh... It really is Qiao Chengxun! Qiao Chengxun, the number one God of Wealth of the Imperial Capital!"

"My heavens, why would Qiao Chengxun be here??"

"That means the wild man messing around with Wen Meimei is none other than Qiao Chengxun..."

"Haha... That's Qiao Chengxun, not some wild man. If I were in her place, I wouldn't choose Young Master Jiang either. Qiao Chengxun is my idol; in my dreams, I too wish to be with him."

"Me too, me too! Young Master Qiao is way better than Young Master Jiang. After all, he is the number one God of Wealth of the Imperial Capital, with devastatingly handsome looks. How can Jiang compare to him at all?"

Upon hearing this comparison, Jiang Shanyu's face turned fouler than a rotten egg.

Wen Lili was so shocked that she couldn't utter a word, disbelievingly staring at the half-naked man with his lower half covered by bedding.

The man's sweat-drenched back glistened with a bronze hue, making his robust tiger-like body even more sexy and seductive, and from his dark, deep ice-cold eyes shone a trace of thin anger.

Such an enthralling aura of power, such unrivaled beauty, such a flawless physique... Every woman in the Imperial Capital knew him; he really was Qiao Chengxun!


She had clearly ordered people to take Wen Meimei to room 1607, but why was Qiao Chengxun in this room? Where did things go wrong?

No, there's no point in figuring that out now. Even if he is Qiao Chengxun, the number one God of Wealth of the Imperial Capital, so what!

Today, she was determined to ruin Wen Meimei's reputation so that she could rightfully marry Shanyu.

"Young Master Qiao, please get dressed quickly. I need to discipline this foolish sister of mine. She even dares to seduce you; who knows how many men she's slept with before, truly disgraceful,"

Qiao Chengxun, tired of these grating noises, exclaimed lowly: "Get out!"

It was an almost hysterical roar with an irresistible force that abruptly silenced Wen Lili's venomous words.

Wen Lili's body stiffened where she stood, no longer daring to speak, and some of the faint-hearted people in the room quickly scampered away.

Jiang Shanyu and Wen Lili, having seen much of the world, withstood the oppressive atmosphere and did not leave immediately.

Qiao Chengxun's dark eyes hardened, he said solemnly, "Would you prefer that I personally escort you out?"

Jiang Shanyu looked at the girl on the bed, her eyes shut and silent. Despite his wariness of Qiao Chengxun's power, he stood his ground and demanded, "Young Master Qiao, I would like to take my fiancée away, if you would be so kind as to allow it."

Hearing this, Wen Meimei slowly opened her eyes, looking indifferently at Jiang Shanyu.