Chapter 15: From Now On, Call Her Sister-in-Law

Wen Meimei slightly arched her eyebrows. She recognized the girl, a senior from her own school and department but not from the same major—the legendary campus beauty of the broadcasting department, Wan Meizhen.

However, Wan Meizhen had graduated last year. Being a legendary figure, Wen Meimei knew of her but did not know her personally.

Wan Meizhen looked at Qiao Chengxun in surprise, but her smile quickly stiffened as she stared weirdly at Wen Meimei, "Wen Meimei, what are you doing here?"

"Hehehe..." Wen Meimei laughed awkwardly, feeling a bit uneasy. Her reputation at school wasn't the best, and she hadn't expected even a graduated senior to remember her.

So, she opted to keep silent and looked to Qiao Chengxun for help, hoping he would explain.

Qiao Chengxun said indifferently, "Meimei and I are married."

"What?!" Wan Meizhen was completely shocked. She must have heard wrong, right?

Brother Chengxun, married to Wen Meimei?

Qiao Chengxun did not say more and stepped into the villa.

Wen Meimei glanced at Wan Meizhen without a word and hurried home with her husband.

Wan Meizhen stood frozen, her hands clenched into tight fists, her long, sharp nails digging into her flesh, and she felt no pain.

How could this be...

Brother Chengxun, how could he suddenly marry a delinquent girl???

Wen Meimei at A University, she's infamously known as a bad student!

Skipping classes and fighting were common occurrences, and there were even rumors that Wen Meimei had slept with many men for money, with particularly diverse tastes in men.

Did Brother Chengxun really marry that kind of woman?

"Brother Chengxun!" Wan Meizhen stood in a daze before she snapped back to reality and trotted after him.

Once inside, Qiao Chengxun directly ordered the servants, "From now on, this lady is your mistress. Her word is my word, remember that."

Three maids and three house servants stood in a line, staring dumbfounded at this new "mistress."

What's going on here, how did the young master come back from work and suddenly have a mistress?

Qiao Chengxun's eyes narrowed coldly as he said sternly, "Didn't you hear my words?"

The servants snapped to attention and said in unison, "Welcome, mistress!"

Although there were few of them, their voices were very loud, startling Wen Meimei.

Wen Meimei smiled awkwardly, "No need to be so formal, hehe..."

Wan Meizhen suddenly barged in, challenging him, "Brother Chengxun, do you even know what kind of person Wen Meimei is, did you really marry her? "

A hint of dark depth emerged in Qiao Chengxun's eyes, "She is my wife, from now on, you will call her sister-in-law."

"Sis...sister-in-law..." Wan Meizhen spat out the two disjointed words through gritted teeth.

Wen Meimei felt a bit embarrassed being addressed in this way; Wan Meizhen was the department's beauty, and a senior. Having Qiao Chengxun dictate to call her sister-in-law—wasn't that putting her in a difficult spot?

"Call me when dinner is ready," said Qiao Chengxun before he went upstairs.

Wen Meimei wanted to follow and see her own room, but Qiao Chengxun didn't invite her up. His intent was clear; he wanted to leave her down there to talk with Wan Meizhen.

It seemed Qiao Chengxun wanted her to hear something from Wan Meizhen.

Wen Meimei sighed. It was frustrating how clever people could be. She walked over and sat down on the sofa, and Wan Meizhen tacitly sat opposite her.

"Wen Meimei, it's fake, right? Your marriage to Brother Chengxun," Wan Meizhen boldly questioned.

Wen Meimei smirked in a ruffian manner; she was known as a female thug at school, so there was no need to pretend in front of Wan Meizhen, "If it were fake, do you think I could live in a place like this?"