Chapter 18: Can we eat delicacies from the mountains and the sea every day from now on?

Wild Crocodile never sought her out for idle chitchat about personal matters without reason; there must be something amusing going on. Intrigued, she asked him, "What's up?"

Wild Crocodile: Nothing, just saying hi.

Hot-headed Sister: It's rare for you to have this much free time.

Wild Crocodile: Heh, you're married now. Is that guy still looking for you?

At this sentence, Wen Meimei's lively eyes suddenly dimmed.

That guy referred to Luo Liu.

Dear Luo Liu, adorable Luo Liu, shameless Luo Liu, intelligent Luo Liu, genius Luo Liu... Her childhood friend Luo Liu, who had grown up with her at the Chunya Orphanage, and like her, was a genius hacker.

She had been traversing the hacker empire all these years just to find Luo Liu.

She believed that Luo Liu must be sitting in front of some computer in the world, and as long as she tried hard enough, she would definitely be able to bring him back.

But eight years had passed... and she still hadn't found him.


At the other end of the world.

In a simply styled bedroom, a man in a robe sat cross-legged on the spotless wooden floor, his long fingers poised over the keyboard.

After typing "Heh, you're married now. Is that guy still looking for you?" a layer of gloom suddenly veiled the man's icy black eyes.

After waiting a long while, she replied, "He's my only family. I will find him until I die."

Until death?

Luo Liu let out a bitter laugh. Meimei, you're married now, why are you still looking for me?

He couldn't bring himself to say this to her, not even feeling like he had the right to inquire who her husband was.

In the end, all he could say to her was, "If you need help, I'll help you."


Dihao Garden.

Seeing Wild Crocodile's chivalrous words, Wen Meimei sincerely smiled and typed: Thank you.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, "Madam, dinner's ready."

"Coming!" Wen Meimei called out and told Wild Crocodile, "I'm off to dinner, we'll chat later."

Closing the WeChat webpage, Wen Meimei hurried downstairs.

When she arrived at the dining room, Qiao Chengxun was already seated, looking like an elegant prince high above the commoners, with his legs naturally crossed and the attractive line of his waist accentuated by his slightly rolled-up sleeves.

Obediently taking her seat, Wen Meimei eyed the delicacies on the table and her mouth watered, "Does this mean I can eat delicacies like these every day?"

Thinking she could eat delicacies every day? Did this woman think this was a palace?

Qiao Chengxun shattered her beautiful dream out of the blue, "This meal is your welcome banquet. From now on, you'll eat a nutritious diet every day."

"A nutritious diet?" Wen Meimei blinked, wondering if it was going to be some kind of horrific cooking like green pepper fried strawberries.

Qiao Chengxun, who disliked talking during meals, elegantly picked up his silver chopsticks and began to eat.

Wen Meimei complained inwardly, finding it dull to have a meal with such an emotionally cold man. Though she had had an appetite before, the delicacies now seemed bland and tasteless.

After a silent dinner, Qiao Chengxun put a Diamond Card and a business card on the table.

"Grandfather's birthday is on Saturday. Take this card to pick out some decent gifts for him and buy something for yourself as well. Get what you need, but don't buy things you won't use."

"Oh," was Wen Meimei's indifferent reply, her mental calculations made swiftly.

Buying gifts for the elderly was easy; just grab something casually. As for herself, she lacked for nothing—perhaps only food would be worth buying.

Qiao Chengxun added, "We're visiting the old house tomorrow night to meet my parents and grandfather. Make sure you dress up properly, don't look like a child."

Meeting the parents tomorrow night?

Wen Meimei instantly became nervous, "What should I wear? A domineering sister style or a gentlewoman style?"

"Just be dignified and proper."
