Chapter 34: Rich Men Are Not Trustworthy, Too Heartless

Qiao Chengxun, quietly eating beside her, noticed the subtle changes on the girl's face. Her smile was natural, blooming like a flower under the moon, unlike her previous forced and artificial smiles.

From this, it was clear that she was genuinely happy now.

She resembled a child who had returned home after many years, with a simple smile that radiated a soft, full happiness.

Unexpectedly, on their first meeting, she had won over his traditional and old-fashioned parents. It seemed he hadn't chosen the wrong person.

With this thought, Qiao Chengxun's thin lips curved into a stunning arc, and a gentle light emerged in his eyes.

Seeing the girl's belly swell from eating so much, yet she still kept eating tirelessly, as if not afraid of bursting her belly.

Qiao Chengxun intervened in time, "Mom, if you keep feeding Meimei, her belly is going to burst."