Chapter 80: Young Master Qiao's Oral Decree

With this thought, Qiao Chengxun instructed, "Go make some nourishing soup for the young madam to drink."

"Alright, Qingqing will go right now." Bu Qingqing's pretty face lit up with surprise. The young master was finally starting to care about the young madam, a cause for celebration!


When Wen Meimei regained consciousness, it was already afternoon.

Her body felt as if it had been crushed by a thousand-ton boulder; the pain was beyond soreness, moving as if to fall apart.

She struggled to sit up, surveyed her surroundings, and found the bed still in disarray, but the tyrant was gone.

"Damn it!" she cursed angrily, propping herself up to get out of bed.

The moment her feet touched the ground, her legs trembled uncontrollably, forcing her to sit back down on the bed's edge.

Looking down, she saw her thighs were both purple and blue, even a slight move was unbearably painful.

Qiao Chengxun, that bastard!!!

No, she had to confront him!