
The double doors to the throne hall swung open. Andrian halted in his tracks, his heart racing with anticipation. The corner of his mouth was still painted scarlet with his own blood but he seemed to care less. He walked halfway to meet the captain.

"Tell me you've found them!" He demanded, his eyes growing in optimism. The look on the captain's face was all it took to get the answer.

"We tore the capital apart but couldn't pick their trace Your Majesty." The captain fearfully watched the king's shoulders drop. He'd never seen him this scared.

"Maybe they've already..."

"Please don't!" He held his hand before curling it into a fist. If only he could punch someone in the guts right now. But he was the king. Taking in a deep breath, he said,

"Everything will continue as planned. Not a word of Gabriel's disappearance is to be breathed, not to my sister especially. Hang anyone who dares open their filthy mouths."