It's been a week since V met the twins and he had almost forgotten about JK, almost everyone has forgotten about JK because of the twins jimin being a little trouble maker while yoongi being very silent and the only person he seems to be close to was his brother jimin.

"Namjoon appa" JK said going to hug the said man with tears in his eyes "ohh JK I didn't know you were coming here.. where's your V?" namjoon asked the younger "he's with jimin" JK said sobbing "hey what's wrong?" Namjoon asked "you know ever since appa brought home those little demons, everyone forgot me, even my V" JK said sobbing "I was about to come to your place, let's go talk to your appa about this.

Namjoon and JK arrived at the Kim mansion (the other KIM MANSION) "V no"giggles of a small baby could be heard from the inside. JK just ran to his room not even bothering to greet his appa. JK layed on his bed sobbing into his pillow when he heard a small groan.

JK squeaked and jumped up from his bed "rat" JK screamed "hyung??" A very sleepy baby yoongi asked "what are you doing in my bed?" JK asked wiping his tears "hyung why you crying?" Yoongi asked trying to get off the bed "m' not crying" JK said furiously wiping his face making it red "hyungie I know you're crying, come"little yoongi said stretching out his tiny baby hands.

JK sat down beside yoongi placing his head in yoongi's small hands "your hands are so small"JK said with a little chuckle "say anything about my hands and I tell everyone that you're scared of rats" yoongi said with a devilish smirk , JK remained silent and yoongi smiled to himself "why are you crying hyung".

JK immediately burst into tears when yoongi asked the questions "ever since you and jimin came into the house appa and everyone ignored me... even my V" JK said sobbing "hyung don't cry, you're my brother now, and I don't like seeing jimin cry so I don't like seeing you cry too, let's go talk to them okay??" Yoongi said hugging his hyung head .

 "My poor baby" seokjin said hugging JK with tears running down his face "what happened appa,why you crying?" JK asked hugging his appa he looked around V was looking at the ground like it was the most exciting thing, namjoon was smiling at him showing him his dimples, while jimin was there staring at JK cluelessly "I'm sorry baby, I didn't know that you felt neglected, please forgive appa" seokjin said sobbing.

 "Aah..appa " JK burst into tears again, seokjin pulled out of the hug to kiss JK's forehead before enveloping him back into the warm hug,jimin started to cry , JK pulled out of the hug to go pick up baby jimin "stop crying baby, hyungie is here" JK said patting baby jimin's back soon jimin stopped crying and V had already raised his head "OMG my V why are you crying too, if you think I'm going carry you like the way I did jimin then you're wrong"JK said with a pout.

 "Everybody stop crying it's so trusfrating" JK said pouting "silly bunny it's not trusfrating it's frustrating" V said going to hug JK "I'm still mad at you "JK said scrunching his nose that's what he does when he fakes his anger, "ofc you are" V said pecking JK on the forehead, JK squirmed out of the hug carrying a very sleepy jimin in his hands, "c'mon yoongi" JK said putting a hand out for yoongi to hold. "If you're looking for me, we'll be in my room taking a nap" JK said walking away with the little boys.


 It's been a week since seokjin and V apologized for neglecting JK, and today JK was told to stay back by their gym teacher, who also happens to be their dance teacher. "JK can you stay back please" Mr Jung said making JK looked surprised "ok sir" JK replied. 

 When everyone was gone JK stayed behind (with V ofc) "sir you wanted to see me??" JK asked "yes,ohh V you're here too, I was about to send a student to call you" Mr Jung said giving his famous sunshine smile "ohh Mr Jung your smile is hurting my eyes" JK said dramatically covering his eyes "don't listen to him sir, he's overdramatic" V said returning the smile.

 "No problem I used to have a friend just like him"Mr Jung said "so JK you don't move your hands this way when you dance that part in ON, and you too V your footing is wrong"Mr Jung said trying to correct them "oh we both made mistakes while dancing, what a coincidance" JK said cackling "I'm sorry Mr Jung, he's always like this" V said patting JK's back who was now choking on saliva,"is he okay??" MR JUNG asked "ohh he??" V asked pointing at JK "he's fine... he's perfect..he got his lame jokes from seokjin appa" V said patting JK's back, the younger was now hugging V with a red face and teary eyes.

 "V the joke was so good I choked on saliva...amaj-","JK if you say one more thing there I'll never watch iron man with you". V said giving JK a stern look "mean" JK huffs "y'all sound just like seokjin and namjoon"Mr Jung said laughing "you mean Kim namjoon and Kim seokjin??"V asked "yeah you know them??" Mr Jung asked confused "know them??, Kim seokjin is my father while Kim namjoon is his father " JK said pointing his fingers in different directions,"okay calm down bunny, before you poke someone's eye" V said holding JK'S hands.

 "Seokjin and namjoon are my best friends but we all lost contact after uni" Mr Jung said "wow I can't believe it" JK said "appa texted me he said we should come home RN"JK said frowning "Mr Jung can we please leave??"V asked "ohh go ahead tell your dad's I said Hi"Mr Jung said waving at the boys "okay sir" V said waving back.

 The boys got outside and their drivers were already waiting for them "I'll come see you later JK" V said pulling the younger into a hug "but I wanna come with you" JK said in a whiny voice "no bunny seokjin appa told you to get home quickly, lemme go see appa you remember he's leaving for a week" V said patting JK's back "fine but make sure you come early okay, we're gonna watch iron man"JK said and V just nodded giving the younger a bunny smile.


 "JK come here..."seokjin said glaring daggers at his son "Hi appa"JK said nervously dropping his bag "your test report came in today and you missed the spelling 'FRUSTRATED' JK I've told you it's not trusfrated"seokjin said with a fond smile on his face "appa that teacher is so mean he removed the mark Mr wang is so cruel" JK said pouting.


The news lady said and beside her was a small screen showing the where the accident took place.

HI guys I'm feeling a little better now so I

updated, please vote and comment.
