【149】Even he would take poison

"Why wouldn't I be willing? Serving Young Master Ye is also my honor."

"It indeed is your honor."

Who knows how many women outside are waiting to serve him, he really has given her too much honor.

Ye Anqi forced a smile and picked up a piece of puffer fish, "Please open your mouth, Young Master Ye, and taste this delicious puffer fish."

Ya Shitian gave a mischievous smile, "It seems like you wish to poison me to death."

Though he said that, he still opened his mouth and ate it.

Ye Anqi picked up another piece: "How could that be? Puffer fish is tasty, I'm just looking after your taste buds. Here's another piece..."

Ya Shitian opened his mouth again to eat, consuming anything she fed him.

He even suspected that if she were feeding him real poison at that moment, he would eat it...

At that thought, Ya Shitian suddenly frowned, his aura turning cold!

Ye Anqi looked at him, puzzled, "Doesn't it taste good?"

"Young Master, your phone—" Mo Shisan also spoke up.