[180] Sleep Beauty Picture

His black pupils were fixated on her, unable to shift his gaze away.

She was nothing like he had imagined!

She was seductively glamorous, not tacky at all, but rather more enchanting and ethereal, fatally alluring—

Even without makeup, she was very tempting.

With makeup on, the temptation was multiplied several times over.

The way she looked, no man could resist her.

If Bei Jingshen saw her like this, he would never be able to let go.

Ya Shitian suddenly frowned, his tone icy, "Ugly as hell!"

Ye Anqi pushed him away, "Are you crazy? You asked for the makeup, and you're the one who dislikes it after it's done. What on earth do you want?"

"Not pretty, not as pretty as you used to be; keep doing it."

"Impossible." The original host's makeup was the real ugliness, her taste was not that low.

The man threatened wickedly, "You don't have to do it, we can continue instead!"

In fact, he really wanted to kiss her; how could he not when she was too beautiful to look away from...